
Crash in Content-Range Response Header Logic

The Content-Range header is an HTTP/1.1 response header which is used to inform the client which bytes of a specific page (or file) that is transferred corresponds to. This is generally used for partial-content retrieval and distribution. For example, a valid header may look like: Content-Range: bytes 9-100/200, which means that the content being sent pertains to bytes 9 to 100, of a total file being of size 200. The asterisk(*) character has a special meaning in this context: it means unknown. For example, Content-Range: bytes 10-100/* means that the bytes 10 to 100 are being sent, but it is unknown how large the full file is.

Squid is able to handle Content-Range response headers, and combines much of the logic for this header with that of the Range request header (as one would expect). It can use this header for more complicated cases of caching, for example, the combining of multiple ranges into one.

The Issue

Squid does not properly handle unsatisfiable Content-Range headers, and fails to reject them correctly, if a response is of type HTTP/1.1 206 Partial Content.

The issue is slightly complicated, but it can be exemplified in the function Client::haveParsedReplyHeaders:

    const bool partial = theFinalReply->contentRange();
    currentOffset = partial ? theFinalReply->contentRange()->spec.offset : 0;

In this case, if a Content-Range header is received, the currentOffset variable is set to the spec.offset variable. This variable was previously set by the httpHdrContRangeParseInit function, which effectively does the following:

    if (strncasecmp(str, "bytes ", 6))
        return 0;

    str += 6;

    /* split */
    if (!(p = strchr(str, '/')))
        return 0;
    if (*str == '*')
        range->spec.offset = range->spec.length = range_spec_unknown;

Note: range_spec_unknown is equal to -1. This means that if a Content-Range header begins with *, the offset of the set to -1. Of course, it is not possible to access content of length -1, but due to invalid (further) checks, this is kept as -1 and assumed to be a valid offset.

This negative value for currentOffset propagates through Squid, until the ‘actual’ content of the response is parsed and written to memory. Eventually, Squid will crash due to the invalid offset being detected

2021/04/19 16:04:08.283| mem_hdr::write: writeBuffer: [95,96)
    current master transaction: master53
2021/04/19 16:04:08.283| mem_hdr::debugDump: lowest offset: 0 highest offset + 1: 96.
    current master transaction: master53
2021/04/19 16:04:08.283| mem_hdr::debugDump: Current available data is: [0,96) - .
    current master transaction: master53
2021/04/19 16:04:08.283| FATAL: Attempt to overwrite already in-memory data. Preceding this there should be a mem_hdr::write output that lists the attempted write, and the currently present data. Please get a 'backtrace full' from this error - using the generated core, and file a bug report with the squid developers including the last 10 lines of cache.log and the backtrace.

It is simple to reproduce this crash, with the following response:

HTTP/1.1 206 OK
Content-Length: 1
Content-Range: bytes */1
Connection: close


This bug was assigned CVE-2021-33620.